In the competitive world of online travel, businesses are constantly searching for ways to stand out. The journey of Marketing Boost began with a simple but powerful challenge: how could we get more video testimonials from satisfied customers?
The Challenge: Getting Customers to Share Their Experiences
As a thriving online travel agency, we knew the power of social proof. Real customers sharing their experiences at beautiful resorts and hotels could drive massive growth. However, getting clients to take a moment from their vacations to record a video testimonial proved difficult.
The Solution: Incentivizing Customer Engagement
We decided to experiment. We sent surveys to guests at their peak happiness—right after check-in—asking them to rate their experience. Those who gave us a 4- or 5-star rating were offered a bonus: a complimentary 3-night stay in Las Vegas or Orlando in exchange for a selfie video testimonial. The response was overwhelming!
The Evolution: Turning Empty Hotel Rooms into Marketing Gold
Fulfilling so many rewards was costly, so we approached hotel providers with an innovative pitch: let us use their unsold rooms as incentives. Hotels saw the value in filling empty rooms, and we gained access to inventory that allowed us to scale this strategy.
The Birth of Marketing Boost
With thousands of video testimonials rolling in, we saw an opportunity to create an entirely new business. By partnering with hotels worldwide, we launched in 2017. Today, we offer travel incentives in over 130 destinations across six continents, helping businesses leverage powerful incentives instead of discounts.